Juvenile Fiction, People & Places
The Serpent's Spell
by Rae St. Clair Bridgman
Unbeknownst to ten-year-old Wil Wychwood, he comes from a long line of mages. But with the death of his grandmother and his world upended, Wil moves to live with “the Aunts” and finds himself in MiddleGate – where buses drive through brick walls...
by Shirley Leitham Jobin
Rencontrez MacCoo, une vache aimante et curieuse, qui trouve un jour le courage de traverser le ruisseau qui sépare son pâturage familier du reste du monde. Il part à la recherche de quelqu’un mais la trouver n’est que le début de ses aventures....
House of Brian
by Barry Tyrrell
This is a modern day story about an old man and a boy; their lives forever integrated by an accident and an evil doctor’s insatiable drive to unravel the mysteries of the human mind. The ensuing operation pushes the medical boundaries beyond...
Kakapo and the Rimu Tree
by Leslie Brazier Smit
EVOLUTION is a BIG word Deep in the forests of New Zealand there lives a little bird. Well, maybe not so little. Kakapo is a bit chubby for a parrot. He’s different in other surprising ways, too. Why is this silly parrot so different from all...
Kohkum's Kitchen
by Mark Thunderchild
In Kohkum’s kitchen the family is large, the stove is warm, and the stew is oh so good. But just what makes this special stew so delicious? Is it Kohkum’s recipes and knowledge, or Mushum’s traditionally hunted moose meat? The grandchildren all...
Abuela's Sombrero
by Julie Bergfors
Maria is new at school and wants to make friends. The first day of the upcoming spirit week at school is hat day. Maria thinks if she wears her abuela’s beautiful sombrero, the other students would notice her. She asks her abuela if she can wear...
A BC Island Animal Dream
by Elizabeth Eakin
A dreaming child sails into a magical realm where capricious animals are munching on crunchy snacks and tasty treats. This charming alphabet book uses haiku to paint funny, quirky and beautiful pictures of what each letter of the alphabet is up...
A Prairie Girl and a Gopher
Prairie Kids' Adventures by Elizabeth Godkin
How did Katelyn, a prairie girl, and Gus, a "gopher", become friends? Throughout the pages of this beautifully illustrated story, see a glimpse into the life of a Canadian prairie child. Learn about the Richardson Ground Squirrel. Search and...
The First Salmon Run
The Bear Cubs' Adventure by Rhonda Girard
Father Bear—Pâpâ Maskwa—is taking his two bear cubs to the river for their first salmon run. Along the journey, they meet their friends squirrel, (añikwacâs), seal, (âhkik), and salmon, (sôsâsiw). With each friend, the cubs learn lessons in...
Blueberry Grunt
by Monique Holloway
It’s summer in Newfoundland, and Julia’s nana wants to make a blueberry grunt, so Julia and her poppy head out to pick wild blueberries. Julia is a bit confused. Do blueberries grunt? She remembers hearing a pig grunt at a farm, but a blueberry?...