Juvenile Fiction, Holidays & Celebrations, Birthdays
Cookies Everywhere!
by Monterey Coates
It is Macy’s birthday and all she wants is cookies. Cookies for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert. Her mother warns her that she should have some vegetables too but agrees to order Macy cookies for her birthday. Macy is thrilled, and she’s...
Minnie's Birthday Wish
A Birthday Story with Songs by Maureen F Reynolds
"Minnie's Birthday Wish" is the second book of the "Celebration Series". The story is a believable fantasy that leaves children debating the book's outcome. It includes songs that enhance the story. It was written for M. Y. C.'s tenth...
Angry Cat
by Kayla Bull
In the past, Angry Cat has spent all of his birthdays alone. This year, he decides to end that tradition and go on a journey to find friends to celebrate with him. Hopefully his angry personality doesn’t drive them away...
Colorful Birthday
The Super-Duper Triplets by Suzanne Varney
Lacy, Lexy, and Lucy are triplets. They are getting ready for their birthday party by cleaning, baking, and decorating with Mom and Dad. The triplets are so excited to see Nana and Papa at their birthday party—until Nana and Papa get stuck across...
Molly The Beautiful Pig Has a Pink Party
by Marilyn Ferrett
Shhhhhh. Don't spoil the surprise! It's a party. A pink party. The pinkest pink party you've ever seen! Can the busy bees keep a secret? Colourful and vibrant Molly the Beautiful Pig has a Pink Party delights young readers in ways that only a...
A Chocolate Cake Birthday
by Angela Hogben
Liam loves playing outside at the park and having pajama parties. But what Liam loves more than anything in the world…is chocolate cake! Since he'll be turning five and will be a big boy soon, Liam decides that he’ll have the biggest birthday...
A Surprise for Puff the Cat
by Sandi Myrlene Illsley
All day long Puff the Cat has fun jumping on his family’s feet, but something very strange keeps happening, until all of a sudden … Puff gets an even bigger surprise! Delivered in fresh, funny, alliterative prose A Surprise for Puff the Cat is a...
Jacob’s Journey
The Boy Born Early by Dr. Sandy Moniz
When Jacob opens his eyes for the first time, people in the hospital look worried. He came a little earlier than expected. Jacob’s need to fight to stay alive makes his mom sad and keeps his doctors busy. The hospital is cold and noisy, but the...
Little Drip Takes Another Trip
by Debbi Keil
Little Drip was written as a 4th Grade assignment. Little Drip depicts a love for travel, yet always in the end, coming back to the comfort and safety of home. This book is for all the little adventurers in all of us.