History, Military, Wars & Conflicts
Ruta's Closet
by Keith Morgan and Ruth Kron SIgal
Ruta’s Closet tells the compelling Holocaust story of a Jewish family, imprisoned in the tiny Shavl ghetto in Lithuania. The Kron family survived the horror of the Nazi regime, thanks to the resourcefulness of Meyer and Gita Kron and the bravery...
Scarlet to Green
A History of Intelligence in the Canadian Army 1903-1963 by Major S.R. Elliot
Scarlet to Green details the ‘boom and bust’ cycles of the Canadian Army’s intelligence organization from its inception in 1903 to 1963, the eve of the Integration of the Canadian Armed Forces. The book analyzes the role of intelligence in...
Horses, Howitzers, and Hymns
The Story of Lieut. Skey, MC, and His Father in the Great War by Marianne S. Goodfellow
Upon his arrival in France in February of 1917, twenty-one-year-old Lieut. Warren Skey purchased a small Au Jour le Jour to record his day-to-day experiences as a gunner, who packed ammunition, loaded on horses, to the guns at the front. He was...
by Mary Cools
Adytum: A place within the soul which should be filled with awe and reverence for being alive. “His sky was growing dark with his own private shadows. It was like watching children playing on a beach and seeing a storm building on the horizon....
Axis Rising
The Beginner's Guide to The Second World War by Ryan Devries
Axis Rising: The Beginner’s Guide to the Second World War is the book to read for a quick, easy-to-understand, yet comprehensive overview of World War Two. Beginning with the birth of Hitler and following through the entire war and its aftermath,...
Escape from Siberia, Escape from Memory
An Odyssey Across Two Oceans & Nine Countries to Arrive Home by Paul Wojdak
Paul Wojdak’s father, Pawel, was born in 1912 in Novosibirsk, Siberia. During the 1800s, many Polish people were banished to Siberia for rising against czarist Russia’s repressive policies aimed to destroy Polish language and culture, and they...
A Bar on Adly Street
An Egyptian Memoir by Medhat M Ghabrial
It's 1971. Egypt is still reeling from the sudden death of its “benevolent” tyrant Nasser and teeters on the precipice of Sadat’s era of unrelenting Islamization. Ghabrial is an engineering graduate student and a TA, moonlighting in an office...
Fresh Voices from the Periphery
Youthful Perspectives of Minorities 100 Years After Trianon by Susan M. Papp
Fresh Voices from the Periphery is evidence that history matters — not only the study of the past — but also by shedding light on how events of the past have impacted lives in the present. You are holding in your hands a collection of...
Citadel of Shia Imams
Persecution & Resistance by Mahboob Illahi
Unfairly demonized by its adversaries—including the Sunni Arab countries, along with the US and EU—Iran is wary of the world's powers, after having been preyed upon to achieve other countries' political aims. Iranians are Shia Muslims, a minority...