The Unknown Canadian Pipe Smoker
by Fraser Moss
Pipe smoking has a long and complex history with its origins in the New World before spreading to Europe and beyond. But when it comes to Canada’s involvement with pipe smoking, many Canadians—avid pipe smokers or not—have no idea the significant...
The Plutonium Files
America's Secret Medical Experiments in the Cold War by Eileen Welsome
The Plutonium Files is the shocking exposé of the US government’s medical experiments on unwitting citizens during the Cold War. Americans recoiled when they learned of the brutal experiments conducted by Nazi doctors. But as the world was...
The Red Knight Aircraft
Includes Civilian Revivals and Static Display Aircraft by John Charles Corrigan
The Red Knight was the product of thirty years of meticulous research by aviation historian John Charles Corrigan. It is arguably the most comprehensive account ever written about the Royal Canadian Air Force’s legendary solo jet-aerobatics...
My Mother's Legacy
by Bonita Nowell
A survival story and celebration of one woman’s life, My Mother's Legacy is also a glimpse of the spirit, culture, and history of Indigenous Peoples in Canada. From life on the trapline in the Far North to meeting the Pope at the Vatican, this is...
Stooks on the Horizon
The Story of a Prairie Family Homestead by Jan Kuzina
This is a story of land, a farm that was not just the giver of life’s sustenance but a character in its own right, with its own spirit and vitality found in its black earth, pastures, woods, and sloughs as it moves through seasons. When faded,...
Axis Rising
The Beginner's Guide to The Second World War by Ryan Devries
Axis Rising: The Beginner’s Guide to the Second World War is the book to read for a quick, easy-to-understand, yet comprehensive overview of World War Two. Beginning with the birth of Hitler and following through the entire war and its aftermath,...
Mennonite to Mainstream
Abandoning the Old Colony and Growing Up in Rural Canada by Judy Ann
In a family history that stretches back five hundred years, Judy introduces readers to life under Old Colony Mennonite rules as experienced by her parents and grandparents in rural Canada and Mexico. Despite this history, it took Judy’s family...
The Narrow Path
The Known Ancestors of Brenna Wagenbach by Richard Endress
This family history explores the ancestry of the Wagenbach and Wiegand families. The book traces the origins of these families in Germany, among Amish Mennonites in Switzerland and France, and in Puritan England, culminating in the emigration of...
Caught in the Turmoil of History
Intrepid Soviet Spies, a Jewish-Croatian Family, Shattered Ideals, and Terror Unleashed by Communist and Fascist Regimes by Ivana Caccia and Maroje Mihovilović
Branko Vukelić may not be well known outside his home country, but he certainly should be. That’s because Branko was a spy, part of the famous Soviet secret espionage group based in Tokyo and led by Richard Sorge. They were spying on Japan and...
The English Trip of 1910
Toronto, Sir Henry Pellatt, the Queen's Own Rifles and the Press Gang by Mima Brown Kapches
The year 1910 saw the 50th anniversary of the Queen’s Own Rifles, Canada’s longest-serving reserve regiment. To celebrate this landmark, a series of events, military parades, and spectacular historical pageants featuring hundreds of participants...