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A Medieval Architect
William the Englishman
by Elisabeta Paul

This book asks a single question. The question is, after completing his work at Canterbury Cathedral, where did William the Englishman go and what did he subsequently build. As you are holding this book you are invited to come along on this journey of discovery. This is a journey which will take you to Cathedrals in England and France. Along the way you will meet other Medieval Architects and some of the great personalities of the time. On each illustration, in the book you are holding, X marks a place where the hand of William the Englishman is evident. By following, in sequence, these indicators of Hand you, who are holding this book can actively participate in the research resulting in the discovery of William the Englishman.

"The writing combines succinct descriptions with introspective reflections, creating a narrative that bridges the gap between history, architecture, and personal sentiment." —Sigmund, Sr. Publishing & Marketing Consultant, Amazon

An Art Historian and Gallery Curator, who spends as much as time possible, in the studio. Studio time is taken with life drawing, print making and hand building vessels to be Raku fired. A life long interest in cold water coral reefs is complemented by being a volunteer citizen-scientist observing over wintering water birds. The summer months are spent in a small allotment growing organic Heirloom veg. The onions do well but most wonderful are the dark brown sweet, eat out of hand, gooseberries. The ‘ Book at Bed Time’ is not broadcast by the BBC but taken from a near to hand shelf. This is an opportunity to meet new authors, frequently introduced by the Bitter Lemon Press, indulge in Japanese novels, Noir or otherwise and re-visit a long standing favourite. Amongst the first of these is A. Perez-Reverte’s The Seville Communion set amidst the perfume of orange blossoms. A perfect day, either winter or summer ends hearing the Amadeus Quartet play a Hayden String Quartet.


Elisabeta Paul

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