Fiction, Occult & Supernatural
Until This Soul Departs
by Jim Puskas
A Toronto inner-city hospital. January 1960. Well past midnight. There it is, the first shriek. At least the brat sounds healthy. Is that the best I can expect, just that the infant isn’t sickly—this red-faced newborn whose prospects appear so...
When Cheers Are Not Enough
by Slavko Ray
Baker, Conrad, Angus, and Masaccio are high school teachers who occasionally meet to jam as a crude alt-rock garage band. They are also diehard hockey fans desperate to see an end to their beloved Toronto Mighty Pines’ fifty-seven year Cup...
The Shard of Asclepius
by Stewart F. Brennan
They are always watching. Always listening. Even when your phone is turned off, they’re still there with their ear pressed against your device’s invisible back door. They thrive in darkness and secrecy. They control the economy and bend...
The Seven Stones
by A. Mussbacher
In the aftermath of a brutal war spanning two decades, the Empire of Lamora finds itself on the brink of surrender. With a fragile ceasefire in place, the Lamoran empress ventures into enemy territory, guided by the renowned military hero,...
Memento Mori by Samuel Beaulac, Shan Leduc and Olivier Thauvette
Après une série de meurtres, le calme de la petite ville de Blackwood fut rompu à jamais. Des victimes disparaissent, mais personne ne semble être au courant de la situation. C’est après avoir sauvé une camarade de classe que Damien Walker...
Severance of the Sorcerer
by Kate Gateley
A spreading darkness, a final prophecy, and one last chance to live ... or die. In his desperate bid to find answers of his own, Cassius Longinus—the ancient Child of Rome—released the killing darkness upon the world. A betrayal by Julia and...
Mink Hills
The monsters under your bed are real! by J.F Lore
For more than two hundred years, the township of Mink Hills, Manitoba, has been embroiled in a secret war with an enemy profoundly suited to the shadows. Legend has it that werewolves roam the woods outside of town, responsible for the abduction...
Change Of Heart
by M. Proctor
Karen is content with her peaceful, predictable life in a small northwestern Canadian mountain town. Life has been unfolding just as she planned . . . until suddenly, it isn’t. One day, when she goes to wake her daughter, she finds her...
Detective O'Patrick's Ghostly Encounters
by Patricia Stott Prince
Detective Daniel O’Patrick is no ordinary detective . . . although he often wishes he was. O’Patrick has a weak link in his aura, making him susceptible to ghostly encounters. Not only that, he can communicate with them too—and they won’t stop...
Seeker of the Secret
by Rohini Sharma Bhambi
Since Mirage Varcqa was a child, she’s had recurring visions of her father dying. While she’s midway through her training as a pharmacist, intending to follow in her father’s footsteps, the tragedy comes to pass. Unable to bear this loss, she...