Family & Relationships, Life Stages
Sail with the Tide
a Dad's View of Addiction by James W. Stewart
Sadly, few of us haven’t had our lives touched by addiction. Even more tragic, for many of us, it is our child who is suffering—and our child who we struggle to help. James W. Stewart is one such parent. When his late son, Joshua, started down...
A Little Help With Your Compass
Words of Wisdom for the Grandchild I May Never Meet by Sheldon Thomas
A Little Help with Your Compass is a guidebook for teens and young adults wanting to grow into the next phase of their lives with integrity and self-awareness. Written as a summation of Thomas’ advice to his own son, it is full of practical...
The Actually Pretty Good Baby
A Parent-Tested Guide for Moms who Want to Breastfeed and Sleep Through the Night by Susan Vukadinovic
A parent-tested guide for moms who want to breastfeed AND sleep through the night With this ultimate beginner’s handbook to raising a baby you can breastfeed like any good attachment parent and then ease your baby into sleeping through the night...
The Journey to a Little White House
Anecdotes of Lessons Learned by Lynda M. Buckman
From the Permanent Married Quarters of a naval base to the little white house at the end of the road, Lynda M. Buckman and her family have lived a life of fun, adventure, and great love. Military service in their young adulthood and early...
How to Put Your Kids on A Schedule
A Practical Guide for Scheduling and Sleep Training Your Baby or Toddler to A Happier Family Life and Other Helpful Parenting Tips From A Mother of Twins by Lorelei Burk
When Lorelei Burk adopted her twins when they were just a few days old, she only had 9 days to prepare to bring her babies home from the hospital. She had to learn quick how to put her babies on a schedule to survive. Whether you are a parent of...
Ready. Set. Not Yet!
Secrets for Teens about Sex by Marva M. Tyndale
Your Path to Sexual Wholeness In a highly sexualized society and culture, young people can feel overwhelmed with temptation, pressure, and conflicting messages. Ready. Set. Not Yet! reaches teens by building a bridge that breaks the silence...
Why It's Time to Go to Sleep
by Erin Eva Benevoli
The bath is done, the milk is finished, the storybook has been closed. It’s time to go to sleep. The atmosphere of coziness and contentedness is shattered with a single question and the tantrum that goes with it: WHY? Of course, there’s the...
Letters to Annie
A Grandmother’s Dreams of Fairy Tale Princesses, Princes, & Happily Ever After by Monika B. Hilder
What do we love about fairy tales? How do they, along with Narnian and other fantasy stories, speak to us at any age? In the fictional voice of a grandmother writing to her granddaughter over the first twenty-five years of her life, Letters to...
The Practice of Parenting - A Manual
A toolkit for helping to enable your child to thrive in a competitive world while ensuring they stay confident and happy in their own skin by Larisa Sesterikov
How ambitious are you for your children to think independently, trust themselves, enjoy what they do, and achieve their goals? Do you want them to be successful, self-confident, and yet not entitled? Undoubtedly, the answer is yes. Most of us are...
Unsayable Absence
by Deborah G. Dunleavy
In the dusk of a disaster, Una McFadden is faced with indescribable pain and uncertainty in the middle of the Great Depression. She finds herself grieving in an asylum, wondering if she will ever see her children again. As a child growing up on...