Art, Canadian
Behind the Razor Ribbon
A Correctional Officer’s Perspective by Pat Bliss
Life inside a Federal Penitentiary is a mystery to most people. Closely governed by rule and law, Federal Penitentiaries are nevertheless complex communities of people who live and work behind the razor ribbon that encircles them. Correctional...
Environmental Sculptures
Sculpture Installations by Sherrill Hardy
In Environmental Sculpture, award-winning artist and educator Sherrill Hardy presents seven of her most innovative and environmentally-focused sculpture installations alongside deep discussions about these imaginative works of art, their...
Out of the Dark
Night paintings of Alfred Muma by Alfred Muma
OUT OF THE DARK captures the colourful interplay and beauty of the night-time colours seen in Alfred Muma’s paintings. Since Alfred’s first night painting experience on Rock Lake, Algonquin Park as a teen, he has found inspiration and delight in...