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Canada Western Landscapes cover

  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-4602-7694-5
    • 8.5 x 11.0 inches
    • Premium Color interior
    • 116 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-4602-7693-8
    • 8.5 x 11.0 inches
    • Premium Color interior
    • 116 pages
  • Keywords
    • Watercolours,
    • Paintings,
    • Landscapes,
    • Nature scenes,
    • Acrylic,
    • Western Canada Landscapes,
    • Carol Elizabeth Cowan

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Canada Western Landscapes
Through The Years
by Carol Elizabeth Cowan

Inspired by a first publishing of Carol Cowan’s paintings, which generated a great deal of interest, this second edition Canada Western Landscapes is a wonderful collection of her work in water colour, multi-media oils, acrylics. With an artistic brilliance captured in resplendent and harmonious hues, and distinctive design elements, this book offers a privileged viewing of the Cowan art gallery that cannot help but stimulate one’s artistic imagination.

“Art is a broad subject. There is more to learn and I am gladdened that the paintbrush still paints expressionism, feeling and imagination.” —The Artist, Carol Elizabeth Cowan “I have to congratulate you on what you have captured on these canvasses. Your unique and expressive colour palette captures moments and scenery in ways that transcend not only sometimes fairly commonplace scenery itself, but also the traditional burnt umbers and raw siennas that seem to underscore too much of the Canadian landscape world.” —FriesenPress Editor, Janet Layberry “Management and our guests are very happy with Cowan’s art work. I would not hesitate to recommend your work and professionalism.” — David Dupont, General Mgr. Fairmont Villas “Uniquely beautiful!” — Vivian Chant, Fellow artist

In 1977, Carol began taking oil painting lessons in Gladys Ridge Community Hall, which commenced an artistic journey of almost forty years. During those years, she has worked with many instructors and peer artists, enhancing her knowledge of hue mixing, and value and colour harmony. In viewing God’s amazing universe, she has been continually inspired to sketch and describe a variety subjects — always acknowledging her inadequacy in expressing or capturing the greatness of God on canvas. From drawings, photographs, and on-site visits, and from her imagination and memorization of the Rockies, trees, shrubs, the shifting sky, and undulating reflections on water — from these simplest of things, her paintings evolved — and multiple adjudicated artistic awards were bestowed. Carol has had oil canvasses accepted at Creations, in High River, Alberta. She was invited to exhibit in 2011 at Fairmont, British Columbia, where numerous canvas giclee prints can still be found. In Heritage Park, Calgary, Alberta, there are displayed many of her artistic cards containing vanishing heritage themes. But to the artist, it is most enlightening when people express appreciation for her art with a simple comment; “I like that.” She has given instruction in oil, watercolour, acrylic and pencil, contributing to the proliferation of artistic rendering, and finding gratification in watching adults and youths discovering new abilities and unearthing hidden talents. “Art is a broad subject, says Carol. “There is more to learn and I am gladdened that the paintbrush still paints expressionism, feeling and imagination.


Carol Elizabeth Cowan
George Webber
Percy Hugo Cowan

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