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When Salty Met Shady cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-03-832592-1
    • epub, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-832590-7
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 384 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-832591-4
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 384 pages
  • Keywords
    • church historical fiction,
    • sexuality,
    • political intrigue,
    • historical sites,
    • assassination plot fiction,
    • nineteenth century,
    • catholic clergy novel

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When Salty Met Shady
by Stan Pinato

This riveting tale of historical fiction brings intrigue, action, love, and romance together to form a plot that will transport readers into the past and keep them guessing from beginning to end. In 1862, one person's greed and arrogance alters the future of a populace. Assembling a round-table of susceptible leaders, they find a prisoner to train as an assassin in exchange for freedom. Teacher and student fall in love before sailing overseas, trusting only in each other. Can they pull this murder off and survive? Will someone betray the Alliance family? What is a Parsi? Do they still exist? People of all ages will love this first installment of the epic trilogy.

This riveting tale of historical fiction brings intrigue, action, love, and romance together to form a plot that will transport readers into the past and keep them guessing from beginning to end. In 1862, one persons greed and arrogance alters the future of a populace. Assembling a round table of susceptible leaders, they find a prisoner to train as an assassin in exchange for freedom. Teacher and student fall in love before sailing overseas, trusting only in each other. Can they pull this murder off and survive? Will someone betray the family? What is a Parsi? Do they still exist? People of all ages will love this first installment of the epic trilogy.

Stan Pinato, aka Scott Spampinato, was born in Baltimore, Md. and raised in Harford County, Md. Writing creative short stories, and traveling throughout North America, Mexico, and Australia has culminated in this unique work of literary fiction. While he resides in the subtropical paradise of southeast Florida, his one amazing daughter teaches math to the autistic and underprivileged children of New Jersey.


Stan Pinato

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