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Every Seven Years and I Don't Remember cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-03-832531-0
    • epub, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-832529-7
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 198 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-832530-3
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 198 pages
  • Keywords
    • Short stories,
    • Contemporary romance,
    • Women’s fiction,
    • Coming of age,
    • Set in the sixties,
    • Amnesia,
    • Vietnam War

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Every Seven Years and I Don't Remember
Two Books
by Cindy I. Wilson

"Every Seven Years" and "I Don't Remember" My grandmother always said life changes every seven years, "Sometimes for better, Sometimes for worse". In the book "Every Seven Years" a young American draft dodger meets the "love of his life" at a Canadian lake. The far-reaching arm of the United States War with Vietnam makes it necessary for the young draft dodger to disappear without saying good-bye. As the lives of these two young lovers move forward separately, will my grandmother's saying prove to be true? And will they meet again? In the book "I Don't Remember" a wealthy young woman starts a new life after she wakes with amnesia caused by an accident. Was it just an accident or something more sinister, a possible kidnapping attempt? Time will tell. As she is constructing her new life and moving forward, she meets someone and falls "head over heels" in love with him. Then suddenly he is gone. The circumstances of his disappearance are beyond belief. Will she wait hoping for his return or will a new love step in to claim her heart? In each book there is a disappearance. In each book there is a love found, then lost. Each book has a new love who steps into the picture. Each book has a reunion. In each book there is a difficult choice to be made. In each book: "One true love wins out in the end". (Love and mystery for ladies 12 years to 112 years.)

The author's name is Sandra. She has always been called Cindy, never Sandra, which has caused much confusion in her life. Her career was as a teacher, teaching grades (K-8). After she retired, she taught Sociology, on a contractual basis, at a secondary education school for six years. Cindy is a painter selling her art locally under the name S.I. Wilson. Cindy is the author of three Romance/Mystery novels, "Butterscotch Mints, Murder and Romance", "Every Seven Years", and "I Don't Remember". She has also written a children's book published, "Three Bunny Brothers and a Big Yellow Dog". It is " Book 1" in a series of 4 "Bunny Brothers" books. Cindy has always been a reader. She has always loved libraries.


Cindy I. Wilson

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