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It's the Gene, Stupid
The Life and Times of Jack Andrews, Merchant Seaman
by John Thomas 'Jack' Andrews

John Thomas “Jack” Andrews lived a very full and colourful life, with much of it spent on the open seas. Living as a merchant seaman on various vessels, he travelled back and forth between Canada and the Caribbean. His life was frequently impacted by what he liked to refer to as the “stupid gene,” something he was apparently born with and which often led him into trouble and misadventure—though it never failed to amuse him. In this fascinating, often hilarious memoir, shared via short stories, sketches, and photographs, Jack brings us right along with him—into trouble and out of it—as he looks back on his life with fond affection. In these pages he describes the trials and tribulations of his early days, in the forties and fifties, growing up in Kitchener, Ontario, and his many (mis)adventures on the high seas.

Mr. Jack Andrews wrote this memoir in his retirement; however, it has been in the safekeeping of his granddaughter for the past several years since his passing. With this posthumous publication of his informal life story, she hopes its universal appeal will keep his memory alive for future generations of their family and allow others to have the chance to get to know this truly entertaining and delightful man and his life as a seaman.


John Thomas 'Jack' Andrews

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