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Journey cover

  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-831823-7
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 132 pages
  • Keywords
    • relationship with nature,
    • love for the Earth,
    • poems on intimacy,
    • poetic response world crisis,
    • spiritual poems,
    • contemplative poetry,
    • meditations on nature

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an invitation to come along
by Elizabeth Coffman

This poetry book is a search for connection. It is a journey through the beauty and metaphor of nature, through love and letting go in relationships, through a quest for deeper spiritual meaning and a response to world events.

"Thank you for your poetic reflection. In particular, I have been carrying this line with me: "For the birth of peace we could not deliver..." "What a powerful poem: It touches me deeply and I will return to it often."

Elizabeth Coffman photo

Liz Coffman has been involved with the arts since childhood. She continued to develop her natural talents through more formal Arts Education at University, and then as an Arts Educator at both the Manitoba Department of Education, and the Winnipeg Art Gallery. Along the way she has inspired hundreds of students and teachers to embrace their own creative energy and express it wherever their life path takes them. In 2015 Liz wrote down her experiences in “Dramatic Play in the Early Years” published by Pembroke publishing. Her journey continues


Elizabeth Coffman

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