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Light Shift cover

  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-831203-7
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 198 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-831204-4
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 198 pages
  • Keywords
    • Christian trauma recovery,
    • Christian mental health,
    • Bible and self-worth,
    • Christian self-help,
    • Religious trauma,
    • Scripture and mental health,
    • Biblical healing

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Light Shift
Restoring Self-Worth When You've Been Hurt by the Church
by Elizabeth Campbell

This book is for those whose sense of self-worth has been damaged within a church that, despite its efforts to share God’s Word, may fall short of the truth of His love. Whether you are a survivor of religious abuse looking to overcome your lingering trauma, or simply struggle to love yourself in a world full of everyone else’s judgements, this book is here to remind you of a truth you may have forgotten. God made you exactly as you are, and He loves you exactly as you are, even if past experiences have shaken your faith, this book is here to remind you of God's enduring love. You are worthy, and you deserve to feel worthy. Light Shift is an examination of religious trauma and the journey of recovery that sits on the intersection of psychotherapy and spirituality. • Learn to nurture your body, mind, and spirit, using both scriptural principles and psychological methods. • Understand and overcome what stands between you and loving your beautiful, flawed, authentic self. • Learn resiliency skills that will arm you against life’s challenges. • Embrace your innate worth through the eyes of God. • Reclaim your relationship with yourself and your all-loving Creator.

Elizabeth has captured the delicate topic of people who have been hurt in the church. There are fantastic tools to use as you get through church community issues to experience healing and full restoration. She has managed to shed "light" on her own church community experience and does so with empathy and a realistic perspective. You will notice that through her own experiences she has overcome and thrived, the message: You don't have to remain a victim. This book is not just a read it once but a resource to continually go back to. If you have ever been hurt by the church and wondered where God is in all of it, you will want to read this book and use the restorative tools, you will not be disappointed. —Tom Brooks, MTC Author of Mapping Your Values

Elizabeth Campbell is a Registered Therapeutic Counsellor who specializes in working with issues of trauma and self-worth, incorporating faith, scripture, and a direct relationship with God into her clients’ healing journeys. But she’s also had her own light shift—after a traumatic experience within her own church community and years in a destructive marriage, Elizabeth was forced to rebuild herself and her faith from the ground up. She has walked this road; now she’s here to help you find your way. Elizabeth lives in Vernon, British Columbia, with her husband and their two springer spaniels. She has two grown children and a granddaughter. To explore her practice, her philosophies, or her methods, find her at


Elizabeth Campbell

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