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DIY Home cover

  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-831811-4
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 288 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-831812-1
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 288 pages
  • Keywords
    • Mid-life crisis fiction,
    • Women’s fiction,
    • Canadian author,
    • Nova Scotia fiction,
    • Strong women fiction,
    • Self worth fiction,
    • Housing crisis fiction

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DIY Home
by Lorraine McQueen

It’s Georgie’s fiftieth birthday, and she’s running headfirst into a whopping mid-life crisis. Daughter of a minister and a high school principal, Georgie is a perpetual do-gooder who has spent her entire life putting others first—right down to hosting her own birthday parties. Her husband is a brainy professor who relies on Georgie to care for him while he keeps his nose in a book, and her step-daughter is a thirty-year-old realtor who still hasn’t left the nest. They all live together in a house built by Georgie’s father-in-law—a house known throughout the community as the ugliest, most bizarre house in town. When Georgie learns that she has inherited a large sum of money from her late aunt, she decides enough is enough, and it’s time for a renovation. There’s just one problem: her husband, Angus, doesn’t want to change a thing about the house his father built. He teams up with Helen—his former sister-in-law, who hates Georgie and has been plotting her downfall for years—to keep Georgie from ever living in the house of her dreams. Funny, wry, and tender at the core, DIY Home is the story of a woman’s quest for identity and freedom, and the healing and hope of a loving family.

Lorraine McQueen is a retired professional librarian who has been writing and telling stories since elementary school. She graduated from Dalhousie University and worked in Toronto, Chicago, Quebec City, Halifax, Ottawa, and Wolfville. Lorraine is the mother of a child who uses a wheelchair, giving her a passion for designing safe and accessible spaces. In her free time, she enjoys reading, home decorating, and volunteering in her community. Her first book, DIY Family, was published by Windy Wood Publishing in 2021. She lives in Hantsport, Nova Scotia. Lorraine can be reached via email at


Lorraine McQueen

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