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Black Crow cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-03-919377-2
    • epub, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-919375-8
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 222 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-919376-5
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 222 pages
  • Keywords
    • heroic Indigenous airplane pilot,
    • damaged aircraft landing,
    • past life memories,
    • reincarnation,
    • Canada before White settlers,
    • fulfillment of life destiny,
    • real and spiritual family and friends

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Black Crow
by Paul River

Explore a story of resilience, self-discovery, and the intricate balance between past and present in Black Crow. Tom Joseph, a young Indigenous airline pilot, skillfully lands a damaged aircraft on a remote frozen mountain lake and wakes up in an intensive care facility facing a frightening new reality. His only memories are of his life as Black Crow, living on the plains before European migration adversely impacted his ancestral lands. Facing profound disorientation and struggling to comprehend the modern world, Tom is visited by spiritual figures from his old life who play a crucial role in helping him come to terms with his surreal situation. They communicate in his native language, narrating the story of his new existence and his mission that has yet to be fulfilled. Supported by friends from both past and present, Tom reluctantly faces challenges and risks to complete the mission given to him in his vision quest two centuries ago. To undertake his quest, Tom now faces dangers as real as the gun-carrying soldiers from his previous life. Realizing he can’t return to the yearned-for past, Tom grapples with the necessity of forging ahead in his current life. Embarking on a quest transcending time and culture, he adjusts to his newfound fame, wrestles with his identity, and strives to fulfill his destiny.

Paul River is a mostly retired veterinarian. He spent his early days flying “pretty fast” military aircraft and served with Canadian U.N. Peacekeeping Forces. He was, for a time with his older sister, looked after on a First Nations reserve by a young woman and her gentle people when his mother was left on her own in a small Canadian community and needed extra help. He has degrees from York University and The University of Saskatchewan. He is at home camping and in canoes and is one of a small number of internationally certified fly casting instructors in Canada. He lives in a small community in Ontario with his wife Catherine. They share their property with two English Springer Spaniels, Echo and Powwow, and their recently CKC titled National Hunting Retriever, a Labrador named Tonka.


Paul River

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