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The Truth
by Marilou Stamp-Brummund

What happens when a wife must hold her young family together after losing her husband to minor surgery? Finances are already in disarray and now she discovers her husband has held a deep secret from her which can change her life and the lives of her children. Just when life seems to settle down to a new normal, new challenges arise. A teenage daughter involved with drugs, a life threatening water skiing accident for her son and then the secret is revealed. The ebbs and flows of life create many challenges but through it all Cathie’s growing faith offers her hope and ultimately resolution. The truth will always set you free!

Marilou Stamp-Brummund photo

I loved writing stories when I was in middle school and did well in English language. In Grade 7, I wrote a short story and gave a copy to my best friend. She sent me the copy twenty plus years later which reminded me that I really enjoyed writing. In previous years, I have written poems for special occasions for family and friends. I am told I am a great story teller and I often made up stories to tell my children when we were travelling. This is my first book and truly is “God’s book”. God inspired me to write this story after my husband flat-lined during surgery. Thankfully my husband recovered. I am now open to whatever direction God leads me going forward.


Marilou Stamp-Brummund
Luke Oribine

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