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I Love You, I Trust You, I'm Proud of You cover

  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-830328-8
    • 8.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 28 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-830329-5
    • 8.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Premium Color interior
    • 28 pages
  • Keywords
    • children’s picture book,
    • children’s bedtime routines,
    • affirming children’s thoughts and feelings,
    • repetitive messages of love for children,
    • unconditional love for children,
    • unconditional love for parents,
    • acceptance of children

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I Love You, I Trust You, I'm Proud of You
by Matt Thomson

Every night, when Papa Bear puts his kids to sleep, he tells them, “I love you, I trust you, I'm proud of you." But would he love them no matter who they were and what they did? Would he love them no matter what? Papa Bear’s four children come up with all kinds of questions to find out, but he’s ready to answer every single one. He loves his children without question, he trusts the choices they make, and he’s proud of who they are. I Love You, I Trust You, I’m Proud of You is a whimsical, heart-warming exploration of our self-doubt, vulnerability, and yearning to be loved. With beautiful images and a simple story, it shows children that, no matter what, love is always present, powerful, and unconditional.

Matt Thomson photo

Matt Thomson is an award-winning entrepreneur, author, and speaker. He is the co-founder of Placemaking 4G, a social enterprise that provides recruiting and education to workplaces, to help create workplaces with a sense of belonging. Meditation, mindfulness, spiritual and physical wellbeing are a big part of his life. He is a passionate advocate for mental health and is a founding member of the “Mounties for Mental Health” initiative at Mount Allison University, where he earned a double major in English and History. In his free time he loves going on adventures with his family, playing music, and exploring our beautiful world. Matt lives in Nova Scotia, Canada, with his wife Megan, their kids Miles, Jacob, and Dorothy, and their cats and dog.


Matt Thomson
Funda May

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