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Ithyanna, Last Daughter of Atlantis Book II cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-03-918374-2
    • epub, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-918372-8
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 318 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-918373-5
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 318 pages
  • Keywords
    • spiritual warfare,
    • holiness of God,
    • Christianity,
    • faithful fiction,
    • slavery,
    • human condition,
    • Apocalyptic

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Ithyanna, Last Daughter of Atlantis Book II
Ithyanna Versus the Slavers of Mortaxaeon
by Don Edward Cook

KIDNAPPED AND ENSLAVED BY ALIENS! The Flood of Noah has ended. Much of Earth is in an Ice Age. And Ithyanna, Last Daughter of Atlantis, swims around the world ocean at the command of the Lion of Judah, waiting for His next command. Suddenly, an alien spacecraft and its occupants capture Ithyanna, probe her mind, and enslave her. Among her fellow captives are famous persons like Elvis Presley, Amelia Earhart, and Jimmy Hoffa, and more obscure people such as a hostile 1960s female Black Panther, a disgruntled British World War II veteran from 1970, and Ithyanna’s aunt whom she has never met – and had a disdain for her younger sister/Ithyanna’s mother. All of them and countless other abductees are forced to mine a nefarious substance with endless industrial applications – but whose fumes are fatal to humans. Then Ithyanna and many other abductees are forced into mortal combat to fight each other to amuse their bloodthirsty alien masters – until Ithyanna demands a fight to the death with Ultra-Queen Xulra, who is also the devil’s daughter! With the aid of a benevolent philanthropist-adventurer alien and his armada, the humans fight back against Xulra’s minions as Ithyanna battles Xulra herself in a war that will determine the fate of the universe! Will Ithyanna and her comrades be destroyed by Xulra and her subjects – or will she and her fellow freedom fighters win the day and gain freedom and create a new nation based on righteous freedom?

"A religion-based SF novel that delivers heady thrills... for readers who desire a wild, out-there SF saga with a heavy dose of religion, this will fit the bill." —Kirkus Reviews

Don Edward Cook, a Canadian with a strong faith in God, ideals of righteous freedom, and a love for science fiction, began the Ithyanna, Last Daughter of Atlantis series in 2020. Book II: Ithyanna Versus the Slavers of Mortaxaeon is the series’ second book. He currently resides in London, Ontario, Canada.


Don Edward Cook
J. E. Corbett

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