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My Booster!
He Changed My Life...and the Lives of Others Around the World!
by Davis Hawn

What difference can a dog make? I was about to find out. For two decades, my life was a cesspool of codependency. Fear consumed me. Life wasn’t worth living. I’d “rescued” the two addicts in my life—one an alcoholic, another a crack addict. Then a puppy I’d foolishly gifted to my crack addict became “my” puppy when I learned it was destined to be traded for crack. I wholeheartedly resented the puppy because the damned thing was always happy, and I was always sad. As a way out of my spiraling life, I attempted suicide one night. I awakened in the morning to kids knocking on my camper door, wanting to play with the puppy. Fifteen minutes later, the puppy screamed in pain. I just knew he’d been hit by a car, likely dying, because everything in life was bad. I opened the camper door, expecting the worst, but the puppy had simply run into a parked car and hurt his paw. The puppy was crying, the kids were crying, and then I too began to cry … uncontrollably. Suddenly, the puppy and I were one, both in pain. An epiphany … a Helen Keller-like breakthrough that changed my life forever. I suddenly realized he’d tried to bring healthy people into my life, breaking the chains of codependency. I slept with that puppy in my arms for three days. Upon awakening, I looked deeply into his eyes, and promised him I’d share him with the world. That puppy, my Booster, saved my life … twice! In My Booster, international service dog advocate and author Davis Hawn lays bare his life in the incredible story of Booster. Engaging, enlightening, hilariously funny and heartbreaking at the same time, their story shows the true power of the canine-human bond.

"Your and Booster’s Value to the World are Inestimable!" —Dr. Bonita Bergin, Founder of the Service Dog Concept.

Davis Hawn promised Booster he’d share him with the world. In so doing, Davis became an advocate, sharing the enormity of the impact of dogs, in general, and service dogs, in particular, on society. He believes there is substantial future potential for our canine companions to do even more and will tell anyone and everyone that canines’ unconditional love can and does change and save lives. Davis has a master’s degree in Canine Life Sciences: Emphasis on Service Dog Education from the acclaimed Bergin University of Canine Studies and trained under the tutelage of Dr. Bonita Bergin, EdD, founder of the service dog concept. He traveled internationally for over a decade, sharing his knowledge, lecturing, doing newspaper stories and television appearances, and occasionally starting “trouble” by standing up for the rights of service dogs and their humans. Together, Davis and Booster helped get disability laws passed around the world. A member of Al-Anon and the International Association of Assistance Dog Partners, Davis lives in Mississippi and Arkansas on rural land with his family of trained Labradors.


Davis Hawn

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