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Madison The Middle Mouse cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-03-917051-3
    • epub, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-917049-0
    • 8.0 x 10.0 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 36 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-917050-6
    • 8.0 x 10.0 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 36 pages
  • Keywords
    • Mouse picture book,
    • Mouse story book,
    • New baby story,
    • Middle child story,
    • Mouse fiction,
    • Sibling rivalry

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Madison The Middle Mouse
by Lorna Emma Paisley

Madison is the middle mouse who sees herself between an attention grabbing baby sister and an older brother who teases her. This leaves Madison feeling unsure about where and how she fits into her family unit. Thankfully, Madison has her pet and best friend, Fuzzel, to rely on. Fuzzel makes Madison feel loved and valued, even when she feels overlooked by her family. As the middle mouse, Madison has to share her bedroom with her little sister. She has to share a lot of things with her little sister, including her pool, her toys, and the attention of her parents. And then there’s her big brother who teases or ignores her. This is hard for Madison. Can’t her parents see how unfair, how mean she is being treated? One day, while Madison and Fuzzel are out exploring the garden, they find a baby fuzzel. When Madison decides to adopt this new baby, Fuzzle vehemently rejects the idea of a new baby and runs away. Madisons’ brother comes to the rescue finding Fuzzel and bringing him home. Fuzzel’s reaction has Madison confused. After all, she can love more than one fuzzel! But when Madison’s mother explains to her that Fuzzel may be feeling worried about losing Madison’s care and attention, Madison realizes that maybe she has similar feelings about her role in her family. Madison the Middle Mouse follows one mouse’s journey through the common childhood experience: that we must move through feelings of jealousy, insecurity, and vulnerability to develop the resilience, autonomy, and understanding on the other side.

Lorna Paisley built her career as an Early Childhood Educator, specializing in preschool and school-age children’s development. She has consulted and presented her experience and knowledge on emergent curriculum and play based learning at Reggio Emilia Inspired Care And Educational Conference. She has implemented, developed, consulted on, and presented on emergent early childhood education, providing support to families and educators alike. She now brings readers Madison the Middle Mouse, her debut publication and contribution to the children’s picture book genre. Lorna is retired now and is presently working on her second book. Both an author and illustrator she is also an artist and a mother of four children and a grandmother of seven. They are her inspiration and the well from which she draws inspiration. Lorna lives in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Contact Lorna at to keep up with her latest projects.


Lorna Emma Paisley
Brittany Fodchuk

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