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The Werewolf Beaver
by Tasha Turko

Choppy McChompington is just a regular beaver. He works hard and has fun helping his friends build dams and lodges. One day—bonk!—Choppy accidentally gets hit in the head with a log. His eyes start to grow, his front beaver teeth shrink, and his incisor teeth grow into fangs. What is happening? Choppy McChompington has turned into a werewolf beaver! His friends all scream in terror and run away from him. But Choppy is still his same, gentle self. He’s not mean; he just looks scary! How can he convince his friends that he’s still nice? With a little advice from Grandmother Beaver, Choppy makes a plan to prove to the other beavers that he really is a kind beaver. Will his plan work?

Tasha Turko has an undergraduate degree in agribusiness and a master’s degree in agricultural economics. She loves spending time with her family, going for long walks, and being creative. Tasha Turko lives in McCreary, Manitoba, Canada with her five boys and their black lab Faith. The Werewolf Beaver is the first book in a series.


Tasha Turko
Penny Nicoles

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