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The Wildfire Twenty cover

  • Keywords
    • fighting wildfires,
    • first responders,
    • fire safety,
    • firefighting technology and strategy,
    • crew management,
    • natural resources,
    • working with bureaucracy

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The Wildfire Twenty
A Firefighter Memoir
by Harold R. Larson

In the spring of 2011, a devastating wildfire almost destroyed the town of Slave Lake. From the aftermath, a new type of Alberta firefighting crew was created to fight wildfires that could threaten entire communities. These 20-person crews would become known as “Units.” The Wildfire Twenty is the memoir of veteran firefighter Harold Larson leading the first Peace River Unit crew as they learn how to battle natural disasters on an epic scale. Their trials, perseverance, and friendships would shape wildland firefighting in Northern Alberta and bond the Wildfire Twenty forever.

Over his 20-year wildfire career, Harold Larson has fought hundreds of wildfires throughout Canada, Australia, and the United States. Larson worked alongside the Australian wildland firefighters during Australia’s worst natural disaster in history, which was captured in his first book, Fire in the Eucalypts: A Wildland Firefighter’s Memoir of the Black Saturday Bushfires. A graduate of Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) with a diploma in forest technology, Larson continues to work in the field of emergency response as a city firefighter on British Columbia’s West Coast.


Harold R. Larson

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