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Little Green Mera cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-03-915663-0
    • epub, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-915661-6
    • 8.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 36 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-915662-3
    • 8.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 36 pages
  • Keywords
    • Environmentalism,
    • The environment,
    • Being green,
    • Recycling,
    • Dogs,
    • Sustainability,
    • Protecting the Earth

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Little Green Mera
by A. Heer and A. Lee

Mera is a little green dog with a great big love for the world outside! As she has adventures all across the city, Mera sees how beautiful the planet is—and how much more we can do to take care of it. There are so many other animals sharing our world, and it’s up to Mera to help them by cleaning up each little corner of the world. Whether it’s recycling, planting flowers, or cutting up plastic rings, Mera is ready to take little green strides every day, and she can show you how to do the same! Can you take a small step to help the planet today? With Mera’s help, you’ll go to sleep knowing you made the world a little bit greener.

Adrian and Arun love the outside world—and they love their dog, Mera. She may not really be green, but she does want to make the world a little greener, and so do her humans. They know that sometimes, the environmental problems in our world can feel bigger than any individual’s ability to act on it. They wrote Little Green Mera to remind us all of the small ways that people can make a difference, and to teach the next generation to take better care of our planet. Adrian and Arun love animals, and taking peaceful walks with Mera. They are passionate about making an impact on the environment through small, everyday tasks. They live in Burnaby, B.C., with their dog, Mera.


A. Heer
A. Lee
Funda May

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