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Heir of the Moon cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-03-913538-3
    • epub, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-913536-9
    • 5.0 x 8.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 108 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-913537-6
    • 5.0 x 8.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 108 pages
  • Keywords
    • Magical realms,
    • Fantasy and folklore,
    • Witchcraft,
    • Centaurs,
    • Healing from loss,
    • Losing innocence,
    • Young romance

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Heir of the Moon
by Athena Rose

When Ann was just a little girl, in love with the world, her beautiful smile was dimmed by an evil witch who was working to steal the gift of her innocence. The witch would have taken it all, but luckily, she was discovered—and her plan thwarted—by the love of Ann’s mother, Josephine, who cast the witch out and warned her never to return. It took years before Ann’s ability to trust and find joy in the world started to return, but at around that same time, she and her family were forced to move away from her beloved home to take care of her newly widowed grandmother and help her run the family farm. In time, things start to feel like home once again, but then a strange dream leads her into an unlikely adventure, filled with danger and magic, as she falls victim to the witch once more and finds herself paired with Roteck, the crown prince of the Realm of Chaltay—himself a victim of the witch’s evil machinations—trained at the Palace of Colours, and quested to end the witches reign of terror once and for all. On their side, they have the aid of Cerulea, a tree-nymph, Kempolar, a dwarf, and the ever-watchful moon, but will that be enough to bring peace to the kingdom? A beautifully crafted tale of a storied land peopled with magical creatures, Heir of the Moon takes its readers on a thoughtful and fantastical journey of courage, lost innocence, and the transformative power of love.

Athena Rose has long been an avid reader with a particular love of fantasy stories, which has always inspired her to look beyond our mundane reality to find the magic that exists all around us. It was that pairing of real-life circumstances with magic and mythology that informs her writing, imparting real-life lessons through the lens of mythical or otherworldly realms. Once she found the courage to share the worlds she had created with her family, she knew that she would never stop writing Athena lives on a farm in New Brunswick, Canada, with her lively family, all of whom love their menagerie of animals, making each other laugh, and of course, reading.


Athena Rose

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