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Life As I Know It cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-03-914129-2
    • epub, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-03-914127-8
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 132 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-03-914128-5
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 132 pages
  • Keywords
    • Science and religion,
    • Spiritual biology,
    • Science and church,
    • Mennonites & nature,
    • Big Bang & religion,
    • History of the earth,
    • Humans and earth

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Life As I Know It
A Biologist's View of the World
by Richard Penner

Can a biologist be fiercely supportive of the scientific process and still believe in God? How does travelling shape a young mind, and can it influence the path you take in life? Are humans really all that different from each other, when we consider our fundamental belief systems? These questions and many others are addressed in Life As I Know It, a book written by a scientist, who just happens to be a Mennonite. In this book, Richard Penner shares his knowledge of the birth of Earth, humanity’s role in evolution, and how religion has contributed to who we have become as a species. Through it all, nature and the natural world play an important role in the stories he tells and the explanations he shares. Aimed at bridging a widening gap between different generations, Life as I Know It is Penner’s way of sharing a bit of his knowledge about all aspects of life. Penner also takes a philosophical approach to what it means to be alive today, both on a literal and metaphorical level. He shares his points of view in a thoughtful manner, supporting his ideas with varied facts and references to great minds who have come before us. Through his words, readers are inspired to consider different perspectives and make their own decisions about what life means to them.

"In Life as I Know It, Richard weaves together an engaging account of life experiences, convictions, and ideas, giving witness to how a curious spirit and open mind can intersect meaningfully across fields of biology, history, and faith." —Dr. Cheryl Pauls, President - Canadian Mennonite University (CMU) "Growing up a prairie farm kid with aspirations for seeking a university education had its challenges for the author. But persistence and curiosity led to a remarkable career in science and discovery that challenged Penner to consider afresh the meanings of his Anabaptist heritage as juxtaposed to the realities of scientific advances. This is a must read for those whose backgrounds limited their acceptance of the amazing scientific innovations that have become part of human life on earth." —Dr. Joseph Martin, Dean Emeritus, Harvard Medical School.

Richard Penner photo

Richard retired in 2013 and returned to Canada. He now lives with his wife, Lillian, in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.


Richard Penner

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