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My ABC Poet Tree cover
  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-03-911163-9
    • epub, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Alphabet poems,
    • Children’s drawings,
    • By kids for kids,
    • Picture book,
    • ABCs,
    • Poems for kids,
    • Tree

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My ABC Poet Tree (First Edition)
Reading poetry LEAVES me happy!
by Penny MacInnis

The alphabet poems, written to go with each piece of artwork, done by 5-7 year olds, contain many commonly used words. After the child has read each poem they will read “After you have listened to me, please sign your name on my poet tree.” A parent, sibling, grandparent, relative, friend, or teacher will sign one of the leaves. The author did something similar with her kindergarten, grade one, and grade two classes for years as part of her home reading program, and both parents and students loved it. There is an option with this book that introduces children to the act of charitable giving that they can choose to explore!

Penny MacInnis photo

Following her thirty-five years of experience as an early childhood public school teacher, fifteen years ago Penny started Canvastone Studio, an art school for children that teaches painting, drawing, soapstone carving, and digital art to children aged 8 to 18 and painting to children ages 5 to 7. Penny also has a program for 5- to 6-year-olds in which she teaches reading, printing, writing, math, and art.


Penny MacInnis
Canvastone Children’s Art School

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