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The Leadership-Driven Method (LDM) to Performance Measurement cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-8984-3
    • epub, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-5255-8982-9
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 216 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-5255-8983-6
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 216 pages
  • Keywords
    • performance measurement,
    • management theory,
    • management style,
    • nonprofit organizations,
    • change management,
    • management strategy,
    • leadership-driven method

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The Leadership-Driven Method (LDM) to Performance Measurement
The How-to Book on Improving Performance Measurement in the Public and Not-For-Profit Sectors
by Bryan Shane and Patricia Lafferty

In so many cases, senior public servants are forced to make decisions with incomplete, inaccurate and untimely information. Without effective information, ships of state are sailing blind. MORE THAN JUST THEORY, The Leadership Driven Method (LDM) to Performance Measurement is a must-read, how-to book for senior and mid-level managers who are charged with making informed decisions that are needed to ensure that their public sector or not-for-profit organization meets its strategic goals. Filled with ready-to-use diagnostic tools or ‘Windows’, a step-by-step methodology and case studies, this book provides both the art and the science to successfully develop and/or improve a Performance Measurement system. The science lies in the application of the methodology, the tools and their analysis. The art is found in adapting and implementing the PM system to the unique requirements of each organization in terms of resources, timing, security, climate, planning and governance requirements. The three case studies on Major Projects, Procurement and Training further demonstrate the effective application of the LDM. Use of the LDM can result in improved service and client satisfaction, increased efficiencies and cost savings, elimination of duplication of effort and increased productivity and enhanced staff morale together with the successful introduction of best practices. The tools and techniques within this book have been validated through 30 years of successful professional use by the authors in their own consulting practice.

"The thorough and precise business book The Leadership-Driven Method (LDM) to Performance Measurement details diagnostic tools for enhancing performance measurement at the organizational level." -Foreword Clarion Review "This was an enlightening read for me. Bryan and Patricia wrote The Leadership-Driven Method to Performance Measurement with a focus on improving performance for both public businesses and non-profit organizations. The authors of this book showed confidence in the methods they prescribed in its pages, having validated it themselves throughout the thirty years of their consulting practices... I recommend it to anyone currently serving or preparing to serve in a leadership role in any business or organization."

Bryan Shane and Patricia Lafferty photo

Bryan Shane (M.Ed, B.Ed. B.A.) and Patricia Lafferty (M.Ed, B.A.) are the founders of BPC Management Consultants (www., a client-centred, Canadian management-consulting firm in Ottawa. Since 1985, they have supported clients in both the private and public sectors with governance, strategic planning, and performance measurement. They enjoy working with clients to help them mobilize their resources, pursue their objectives, make effective decisions, and improve productivity from both short- and long-term perspectives. The Leadership Driven Method to Performance Measurement is their second book and a companion to their recently published The 3P Approach to Governance: Principles, Process, and Performance: The How-to Book to Improve Decision-Making in the Public Sector. Bryan and Patricia currently live in Ottawa with their three cats – Hunter, Badger and Beauregard.


Bryan Shane
Patricia Lafferty

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