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The Case of the Cereal Artist cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-7908-0
    • epub, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-5255-7907-3
    • 11.0 x 8.5 inches
    • Premium Color interior
    • 24 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-5255-7906-6
    • 11.0 x 8.5 inches
    • Premium Color interior
    • 24 pages
  • Keywords
    • Farm animal characters,
    • Canadian farmers,
    • Crop circles for kids,
    • Mounties story,
    • Prairies children’s book,
    • Mystery for kids,
    • Detective story

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The Case of the Cereal Artist
by Zulebia Esmail

The case of the Cereal Artist is about a strange pattern that had mysteriously appeared overnight in Farmer Regina’s wheat field. These crop circles were damaging and costly, so Farmer Regina called upon detective R.C. Mountie to help find out who had flattened the wheat. The Sly Fox blamed a nocturnal animal, the squirrelly Prairie Dog and the timid White-tailed Deer also provided more circumstantial evidence against others. But R.C. Mountie did not jump to conclusions, he persevered with his investigative skills until he was able to establish a motive and expose the Cereal Artist.

Zulebia Esmail photo

I have been an owner and manager of a group care centre for 30 yrs. for children ages 30 months to 12 yrs. of age. During this time, I was fully responsible for the program plans that supported all areas of development including intellectual, social, emotional, physical, language, art and aesthetic. I have supported, liaised and built trusting relationships with parents and support workers such as speech and language therapists, behaviour interventionists, occupational therapists, school principals and staff. After retiring, I wished to share my knowledge with parents and children through interactive books and worksheets. I choose a province or provinces, in this case The Prairies, and “highlight” them in my books. I believe that we can inspire children to become anything they want to be in a fun way. I thought, what better place to foster a detective then The Prairies where the birth of the Mounties and the largest number of Crop Circles in Canada can be found.


Zulebia Esmail
Robin Dewitt

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