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Fortunes of the Road cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-7617-1
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • crime family fiction,
    • mafia romance novel,
    • organized crime,
    • life in the mob,
    • new identity,
    • love and money,
    • marrying into crime family

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Fortunes of the Road
by Mona Lanier

Martha Jean had dreams of leaving the small rural country town, to experience things she had only read about. She only knew what she had learned about people as a young girl living in the country. She believed everyone was honest and caring, naïve of real life in a big city. When Martha Jean falls in love with a man she had dreamed about as a young girl, he is not who she thought he was. His family is not who she thought they were, until the tragic day her baby is taken and she is kidnapped.

Writing has been a passion for me since I was a young girl. I wrote many short stories no one ever read. This novel is one I want to be read. I am a retired registered nurse, but this exciting story has nothing to do with the medical field. My imagination and interest in what could be an actual event inspired me to put it on paper. I do live in a rural country town with a population of two-hundred, fifty people. Before that, I live in the fourth largest city in America, Houston, Texas. The crime rate is high there with very few positive outcomes. The main character could be any young woman with dreams of another, better life. Be careful, some dreams turn into nightmares.


Mona Lanier

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