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Questionable Commentary
Late-Onset Contemplations from an East Coast Septuagenarian
by William J. Kilfoil

This book is the result of a compilation of discursive newspaper articles from Canada's East Coast - a collection which considers a few thin slices of life in Nova Scotia over a couple of years, served up with bits of humor, nostalgia and some bologna. A grain of salt is recommended. The commentary is from the perspective of a retired senior citizen with questionable insight, no previous writing experience and no claim to represent the views of peers except through the recognized community of retirees who get up twice a night to pee. Occasionally instructive, it is mostly unserious commentary intended to evoke a smile and convey affection for community and family and the decencies that allow them to flourish. The articles reproduced here were published in the Halifax Chronicle Herald (mostly online) and/or in other Saltwire Network newspapers in Newfoundland, Labrador and Prince Edward Island.

William Kilfoil is a retired school administrator and a recovering high-school principal, He is married to Celeste Yvonne, the father of six children and numerous grandchildren all of whom are much smarter and much better looking than average. He lives in Mineville, Nova Scotia.


William J. Kilfoil

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