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On My Way to School
by Johan Reis

Every day, Shawn walks to and from school through his friendly, multicultural neighbourhood. Along the way, he stops to talk with the people in his world. Through his curious and sensitive nature, Shawn comes to understand their hardships, relationships, and struggles, as well as the community around him. Themes of immigration, friendship, and generosity showcase the sweetness of the world through Shawn’s eyes. Rich, hilarious, and compassionate—this book will entertain and enlighten children and adults alike.

Johan Reis is a psychologist who works with a diverse range of people and cultures in private practice located in Waterloo, Ontario. His love for writing, imagination, and laughter developed through bedtime storytelling as a parent and grandparent, and On My Way to School captures some of his experiences growing up in an immigrant household with parents who used humour to handle stress and changes in life. This is the first book in his On My Way to School series.


Johan Reis

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