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TECHnically Connected cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-5867-2
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-5255-5866-5
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 192 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-5255-5865-8
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 192 pages
  • Keywords
    • Business,
    • Faith,
    • Telecommuting,
    • Virtual communication,
    • Technology,
    • Team building,
    • Leadership

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TECHnically Connected
Navigating Distance on Virtual Teams
by Warren Janzen

Keep your life and your team tethered while working in your virtual environment. Your team is not available to meet regularly face-to-face. You rely on technology to communicate and collaborate. While bringing you together, technology also separates. Work in a virtual environment can bring isolation, fragmentation, and that feeling of being distant. TECHnically Connected draws from research, interviews of those in both the for-profit and non-profit sectors, and over 15 years of personal leadership experience to bring you practical insights that will help your team thrive without the drive. The virtual environment creates new challenges to the typical elements of teaming. Warren reflects on what it means to work virtually and unpacks the critical insight that when you are separated, “how” you work as a team is even more important than “who” is on the team. With practical examples from his experience leading a Christian non-profit agency, Warren shows you how to build trust, work through conflict, lead meetings and bridge cultures while working from a distance.

"Warren has crafted a book with immense practical value and thought-provoking evaluation of a major new phenomenon. From his firsthand advice to summaries of breakthrough research, any leader of virtual teams will find this book immensely useful and stimulating. Deftly combining insightful stories with hands-on exercises, his book makes for compelling reading that also serves as a reference the virtual team leader will go back to time and again." —Dr. Scott Henson, former CEO, TEAM and Associate Professor of International Studies “I have managed a virtual corporation for over 10 years.  This is a great book of best practices for virtual teams and companies.  If you have staff operating virtually, then you need to read this book.” —Bretton E. Trowbridge, CEO and President, TRS Group "I’ve been working with a fulltime virtual executive assistant for about seven years and a completely virtual team for four years. I know firsthand the challenges Warren addresses in this timely book. TECHnically Connected is the most comprehensive and practical resource on this topic I’ve ever seen. If you work virtually, or are considering doing so, this is a must read." —Steve Moore, President of nexleader and Growing Leaders, author of Grow Toward Your Dreams "Most of us have been pulled into the cultural currents of increasing virtual ministry interactions, like it or not! Whether you are embracing it with gusto or finding yourself dragged in kicking and screaming, this book is a refreshing reminder of a leaders’ ongoing need for relational growth, with the additional layer now of virtual relationships. But it is also a timely call to intentional professional growth in team-building and technology. Through significant research and personal experience, Warren Janzen has produced a new collection of “best practice” for virtual ministry teams. I found plenty of food for thought in practically, personally and effectively engaging the need to be TECHnically Connected as part of a leaders’ own development. Every leadership team should work through this book together!" —Wendy Wilson, Missio Nexus Mission Advisor, Women’s Development Track Executive Director "TECHnically Connected is a must-read for any virtual network or ministry team that desires to increase its productivity, cultural sensitivity, communication, accountability, and commitment to a commonly shared vision." —Kärin Butler Primuth, CEO visionSynergy

Warren Janzen photo

For the past 15 years Warren has been leading and working with virtual teams. Prior to that he and his wife Dorothy lived and worked in Japan for over 15 years with SEND International. In 2004 he took up the role of International Director for that organization. With Christian work spanning more than 20 countries and the belief that leaders should be located in the regions for which they have responsibility, virtual teams are his reality. What’s not virtual is his wonderful marriage to Dorothy, and the blessings of their three boys and two daughters-in-law. When not behind his computer or on a plane, Warren enjoys a variety of outdoor sports and indoor table games!


Warren Janzen

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