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All About Me cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-5801-6
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Philosophical memoir,
    • A father’s memoir,
    • Who am I?,
    • What is life,
    • The meaning of life,
    • Why am I alive?,
    • How to find meaning

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All About Me
The Individual
by Sotirios Majoros

When Sotirios Majoros’s thirteen-year-old daughter asked him a seemingly simple question, “What is life?”, little did she realize the explosion of thoughts and ideas that she would set off in her father’s mind. To answer her question, Sotirios found himself looking back through time to the father of history, Herodotus, and across humanity’s numerous cultures, focusing in particular on how this question is expressed through various pieces of artwork, such as sculptures and paintings. He also looked back through his own life, eventually realizing that lurking beneath his daughter’s question was an even more fundamental question: Who am I? His attempt to answer this question forms the foundation of this book.

Sotirios Majoros lives in Mississauga, ON, with his wife, his daughter, his son, and their dog (Sarg). However, rather than any particular place, he prefers to think of himself as living on Earth alongside every other living creature. This is his first book.


Sotirios Majoros

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