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Shambila-baloo cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-8936-2
    • epub, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Eco-adventure,
    • recycling,
    • rhyming book,
    • environment,
    • co-operation,
    • friendship,
    • quest

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by Joshua Webster

Nora Delora lives in Hest, where people are loud, unkind to one another, and pollute the town with garbage. Nora loves her town, and has a dream of making it a peaceful and pleasant place to live. She weaves a dress for herself out of garbage, sells everything she owns, and goes out on a quest to save her town. On her journey, she hears sweet music, and is drawn to a place called Shambila-baloo. She finds she cannot enter the town, but she can observe its peacefulness, cleanliness, and how kindly people treat each other. This is what she wants for her own town, so she watches, listens, and takes notes. She wants to learn the secrets of peace and harmony to bring back to Hest. Will Nora Delora be able to gain enough wisdom at Shambila-baloo to save her town?

Joshua Webster photo

Joshua Webster is the author of The Metal Nettle Kettle. He is a former junior Buddhist monk, and a long-time yoga and tai chi instructor. He also a meditation teacher and acupuncturist. Webster lives in Kitchener Waterloo, Ontario, with his shaggy old Labradoodle, Maggie.


Joshua Webster
Shirley Robinson

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