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Assisting Seniors at Home cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-6357-7
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Aging at home,
    • Elder care,
    • Caring for seniors,
    • Seniors at home,
    • Senior care,
    • Caregiving for elders,
    • Senior care plan

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Assisting Seniors at Home
A Planning Guide for Families and Caregivers
by Gretchen Mary Rose

Most families in need of assistance for senior caregiving have two questions: "Can you, please, help us? How do we go about this? We don't even know where to start." This is the overshadowing climate that exists until a navigational chart is presented. Assisting Seniors at Home: A Planning Guide for Families and Caregivers is designed to harmonize the unique perspectives and roles of the three entities involved: the seniors, the family, and hired caregivers. Each role is described with specific intervention priorities for our aging family members. Within this guide, there are two skill level indicators, one for the general aging population and another for those with dementia. Each provide a clear description of specific needs as changes occur. This is the compass by which all family members may intercede proactively to bring seniors from early intervention to the final stages of hospice care. The skill level indicator is the most valuable element as it designates the amount of care needed, how to establish a care plan, and when to make necessary changes. In summary, this adds up to effective in-home care, inclusive of home modifications and safety as a top priority for all involved.

"Assisting Seniors at Home" is easy to read, with concise information on many topics that arise in the caregiving process, such as, the importance of assigning “power of attorney” for medical and financial decisions. Much information is included regarding the importance of early intervention, specifically, how to find and interview for qualified, trustworthy caregivers. Other in-home safety recommendations are listed in detail and a skill level monitor to determine when additional care and interventions will be needed. Gretchen brings a complex topic to understandable terms relative to day-to-day caregiving for the aging population. This book is a complete provision of information that guides families as the waning years of aging ensue." —Sara Dluge, family caregiver "Very happy to have read this book Assisting Seniors at Home. It has provided additional information I had not previously thought of to assist my dad as he moves through the aging process, specifically, his emotional feelings; my emotional feelings. Also, at what point hospice may be needed. Lots to think about as I see the changes in dad, and what I need to do to make him feel comfortable, and safe, when he is on his own. The details presented are also helpful in preparing for my aging process regarding those who will attend me. We all need education and this book provides the necessary information." —Marilyn J. Dluge, family caregiver; two perspectives from one family caregiving group. "'Assisting Seniors at Home' presents common situations as well as complex events in eldercare with practical interventions suggested in matters, such as, assessing the skill level of seniors; effective in-home care planning; home modifications; and safety in the caregiving process. This complete guide enhances the provision of care and ensures the safety of all involved. An invaluable planning guide for everyone caring for seniors at home through the aging process." —Author’s Advisory Group

Gretchen Mary Rose photo

A graduate from the Occupational Therapy Program at Wayne State University (Detroit), author Gretchen Mary Rose has years of clinical experience in behavioral medicine and physical disabilities rehabilitation. In her therapeutic work with seniors, she has recognized the need for a comprehensive guide to assure that seniors are safe while living comfortably in their home as long as possible. She observed first hand, early on, the challenges that emerge as her mother cared for her father at home, alone, during a time when groups, such as, home health care providers or in-home caregivers did not exist. This inspiration moved her to co-join her professional experience and human needs with the intention of formulating a model of clarity for caregiving.


Gretchen Mary Rose
Michael Robinson

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