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Nightsticks and Negligees cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-4792-8
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Crime fiction,
    • Female detectives,
    • Homicide detectives,
    • Murder mystery,
    • Romance,
    • LGBTQ2 fiction,
    • Lesbian romance

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Nightsticks and Negligees
by Lucinda Mack

When homicide detective Lexi is assigned to a mysterious double murder, she must report to Katia, her beautiful but icy-cold superior. As they work to unravel this shocking crime, they find themselves falling into a passionate love affair. Lexi, who has never loved a woman before, must navigate her mystification while she is swept up in overpowering feelings of desire for her boss. But can their tender new relationship survive the harsh challenges of their job as they go from brutal murder to brutal murder, attempting to bring the perpetrators to justice? Together these two women from different worlds must find the muscle to rip down their barriers and create a new haven for themselves, even when the odds are overwhelmingly stacked against them.

Lucinda Mack has worked in various professions including the home care industry and presently lives in Pennsylvania. Her extended family resides throughout various locations around the world. Lucinda has experienced many personal tragedies and has learned to survive amidst the turmoil of loss and confusion. Some of the members of her family who were lost to her were members of the LGBT community. She has written this book in an effort to give such people a voice and express their importance in society and the world.


Lucinda Mack

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