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The Healer cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-6693-6
    • epub, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-5255-6692-9
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 30 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-5255-6691-2
    • 5.5 x 8.5 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 30 pages
  • Keywords
    • Religious experience,
    • Miracle,
    • Heaven,
    • Ministry,
    • Faith healing,
    • Burundi,
    • Jesus Christ

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The Healer
by Jean-Marie Vianney Nkusi

When Jean-Marie Nkusi was only twelve, he fell into a coma from the effects of malaria while living in a refugee camp in Burundi. As he lay near death, with his family saying the Rosary around him, he experienced an amazing, life-changing religious event. He felt his body ascend to Heaven where he met Jesus Christ and His mother, the Virgin Mary. They told him that he was healed, but needed to return to earth to share the special message of God’s love. The Healer follows Jean-Marie’s amazing experience in Heaven and back on earth, where he finds he has the amazing power to heal with faith. This book is a must-read for anyone who has ever questioned if there is life after death and for those looking for confirmation that God loves all His children.

When I was 12 years old in Burundi Africa, I was very sick of Malaria. I was in Coma, for 3 months in Bed. I could not eat anything and stopped going to school. My mom and my Dad were very poor and could not afford to pay the doctor My Parents were Refugees from Rwanda and True believers in God and were members of the Roman Catholic Church. They taught me how to pray the Lord Prayer of the Virgin Mary. I remember Praying and Asking Jesus to Heal me so I could go back to school. One Night my spirit was lifted in Paradise, a very beautiful and peaceful place. I Saw Jesus Christ coming toward me and said. Jean-Marie,your prayers was hard, Do not worry my Son, you are now healed. I then found myself seating on the wraps of Mother Mary A very Beautiful Lady and she was touching my head and was feeling very happy. Then Jesus came to me and told me that I am not going to stay there because he has a mission for me to take back on earth. Tell people that Jesus Christ is alive and well.

Jean-Marie Vianney Nkusi photo

Jean-Marie V. Nkusi was born in Uganda after his family was forced to flee the Rwandan revolution because of his father’s royal connections and government position. While living in a refugee camp in Burundi, Nkusi had a spiritual awakening that has led him to be the educator, evangelist, and humanitarian that he is today. He is particularly interested in raising money to help malnourished children in Africa and around the world and dedicated to spreading the word that “Jesus loves the little children and us all. He is alive and well. There is no other way that can lead you to Heaven except to follow Jesus the Great King.” Today, Jean-Marie is a proud Rwandan-Canadian living in Edmonton, Alberta with his wife and four beautiful children.


Jean-Marie Vianney Nkusi

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