eBook Edition
- 978-1-5255-3364-8
- epub, mobi, pdf files
Paperback Edition
- 978-1-5255-3363-1
- 5.5 x 8.5 inches
- Black & White interior
- 96 pages
Hardcover Edition
- 978-1-5255-3362-4
- 5.5 x 8.5 inches
- Black & White interior
- 96 pages
- Keywords
- Lucid dreaming,
- Astral travel,
- Dream control,
- Seeing energy,
- Astral projection,
- Dreaming while awake,
- Outer body experience
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The Twelve Poems Of Knowledge
The Key To Your Subconscious
Stephen Monk C.ht
This is a book of twelve poems. I wanted the reader of the poems to know how to do things by them alone. They are pure refined knowledge in simple words explaining how to Astral Travel, have OBE,s, Lucid Dream, See Energy and much more. I have added a line by line explanation for every poem including the feelings, sights and sounds of the experiences I have had with the subject of the poem, plus many other ways to achieve the goals of the poems. There are Self Hypnosis Inductions for dream recall, becoming aware in your dreams and a dream journal inside. The knowledge inside this book when applied will give you extra tools and resources, plus joy, entertainment and curiosity, human capabilities are amazing! There are resources inside to add curiosity and emotional control in and out of sleep. If you are on the path of higher learning regardless of your age, the inner pages contain practices that you will be able to incorporate and enjoy. This book is also an instruction manual so you will know how to do the techniques in the poems and it is for " Everyone " including you and someone you know who seeks enlightenment, purpose, are interested in dreams, hypnosis, meditation, seeing energy, and anyone looking to deal with anger, fear or just might be losing hope. People who have inner peace and people who " Crave it ". Enjoy. " Know Thy Self "
The Twelve Poems of Knowledge is an extraordinary and practical guide book in which the author shares his own personal experience with controlling his mind in the interest of teaching others the same special skill. Here, the secrets of such little-known and esoteric practices as astral projection and lucid dreaming are shared in poetic detail. Laura Pratt, Editor.
Hello, my name is Stephen Monk. This is the first book I wrote, some of the poems were written about twenty five years ago as I was enjoying the practices in the book. The book contains knowledge and life experiences from up to three decades ago. Someone asked me once how did I become so enlightened, which is something I never considered myself to be. In my mind I am no different then you or anyone else. I just sought out information to develop, strengthen, balance and keep control over my mental processes from all the different information sources I could find. Applied what l was learning and put some new things together. I received a diploma in Hypnotherapy and found it was complementary to dreaming and many other practices.
- Author
- Stephen Monk C.ht
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