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God's Brilliant Shining Star cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-3349-5
    • epub, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-5255-3348-8
    • 8.5 x 11.0 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 32 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-5255-3347-1
    • 8.5 x 11.0 inches
    • Standard Color interior
    • 32 pages
  • Keywords
    • Shining star,
    • Encouragement,
    • Self-belief,
    • Helping others,
    • Empathy,
    • Joyful stories,
    • Spreading kindness

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God's Brilliant Shining Star
Learning and Growing in Love
by Dianne De Jong

As the principal of the school, I care for all my students and I wrote this book to make them realize how wonderful they are. Students come to school with lots of different issues, traumas and anxiety and my hope is to bring them joy and build their self esteem so their mental well-being strategies are good and they develop a great relationship with our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, who loves them unconditionally and is always by their side believing they are his Brilliant Shining Stars. This story is intended to be read to children and therefore indirectly, my secondary audience is parents! Adults have incredibly busy and stressful lives and they should be reminded that whether or not God is a part of their lives, that they are LOVED and a brilliant shining star too. This book should be read over and over as a favourite. It can be brought out when a child has a bad day at school or is hurting after losing a competition. Love can move mountains and families, both children and parents, can use this strategy when they are angry. My intent is to have many books read to children at night and then used as a discussion tool and that is why every book has questions for parents to ask their child at the end of day. Children do not always know what is bothering them, however, discussion questions could lead to solutions and better problem-solving skills.

Dianne De Jong photo

Dianne De Jong is a principal in Southwestern Ontario. She currently lives in St. Mary’s. Her first year of teaching brought her to teach 28 five year old’s in New Zealand. Dianne loves to travel and hopes to see the world by spreading the loving message to children and parents of believing in yourself, serving those around you and being love to others. Dianne’s greatest joy is her 2 amazing children, Spencer and Ashlyn. Dianne’s most impactful moments in life are during her yearly mission trips to Haiti. She believes in giving back for all her blessings in life. She is passionate about education, teaching children to imagine themselves in another's shoes and her company is called, Education Through Empathy. She spends time on the water, writing, doing photography and enjoying sporting events and concerts. She loves all music but her favourite is country music.


Dianne De Jong

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