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What Can I Be? cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-4425-5
    • epub, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • careers,
    • jobs,
    • growing up,
    • work ethic in kids,
    • belief in oneself,
    • African American kids,
    • confidence

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What Can I Be?
by Venesa V West

Have you ever wondered what you will become when you grow up? Maybe a Doctor, a Fireman or something else. Well, you are not alone, that's how Shaq feels too!! In fact, he wants to know what he and his friends can become in the future. So, he asks his mother who shows him many cool choices and lets him know that he can be anything that he puts his mind to. She encourages Shaq to work really hard to become what he wants to be! You'll be surprised to see what he chooses to be!! "What Can I Be?" is an interactive children's book, that encourages children to achieve their goals and become whatever they put their minds to. This is a book meant to be read by boys and girls as it includes representations of each. Parents are encouraged to read along with children. "What Can I Be?" can be read by all ages and helps in affirming career choices later on in life. Remind your kids every day to say: I CAN BE WHATEVER I WANT TO BE!

Venesa V West photo

Venesa West is a mother and dual degree, English major student at the University at Albany. In fact, this book was written for her son which she has now decided to share with other children to help them achieve success too. Born in rural Jamaica she had to undergo many struggles to achieve success with little motivation. So, this book is to motivate all children and to let them know that they can become anything they want to be. When she was younger she would also ask the question, "What Can I Be?" and she found that the answer was ANYTHING!! She just had to want it bad enough.


Venesa V West

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