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The Mentson Girls
by Vera I. Roberts

The Mentson Girls is a classic suspense novel for ages 7-12 years of age (but anyone of any age will enjoy it). Set in contemporary 21st century times, the story focuses on four (4) sisters, ages 7-13 years old, with super powers that nobody else knows about and continues to tell about the dangerous situation they are put in with their secret super powers. Will they survive? Can they keep their powers a secret? Read this book to find out.

Vera I. Roberts was born on August 4, 2003 in Northern Florida. She currently lives in southwestern Ohio. This is her second book to be published, but this is far from the second book she's ever written. She started writing novels when she was six (6) years old. Besides writing, she likes singing, acting, math, and eating delicious food. She also has lots of different mini-obsessions with various TV shows, movies, et cetera.


Vera I. Roberts

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