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Beyond The White Curtain cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-2186-7
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Life after death,
    • Spirituality,
    • Polish immigrants,
    • Perseverance,
    • Disability,
    • Life lessons,
    • Soul mates

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Beyond The White Curtain
by Shirley McGrath

Twelve-year-old Stephanie’s life is turned upside down when her dear Matka dies. The family is just beginning to pull itself together when calamity strikes again, in an unlikely fashion. As Stephanie tries to make sense of the changes in her life, what first seems a minor accident will lead to life-altering transformations—both for her family and herself. Gossip spreads quickly in small prairie towns, and the face people present in public can be far different from the one they wear in private. As Stephanie searches for the true love Matka promised her, she’s faced with hard choices. Family pulls her one direction while her heart pulls her another, and she must make a decision that will bring heartache to those she cares about—regardless of her choice. Strong and unfailingly kind, even in the face of overwhelming adversity, Stephanie cannot help but let her past color her future, even as she seeks to grow—as a woman, wife, and mother. Her unique spirituality and her mother’s death-bed guidance provide her with a lifeline, one she counts upon through the myriad obstacles she faces on her life journey, from true love separated by WWII, suspicious deaths, elder abuse, and revelations of unfaithfulness.

Shirley McGrath photo

Shirley McGrath always knew she would write a book, but the timing had to be right. She writes not only to entertain her readers, but also to provoke discussion about various aspects of human mentality, beliefs, and behavior. Blessed with an afterlife experience that has been the most powerful force in how she lives her life, she realizes that knowing there is more to our life here is different than believing it. Shirley lives in west-central Alberta, Canada, where she donates many volunteer hours to her community. She enjoys the outdoors and traveling.


Shirley McGrath

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