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Wyatt and the Cookie Bowl cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-0598-0
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • babies,
    • baking,
    • building a family,
    • cookies,
    • doctor,
    • magic,
    • young couples

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Wyatt and the Cookie Bowl
How Babies are Magically Made
by Shannon C. Wilson

This story will take you through the life of Lance and Sarah's first born child, Wyatt, from before his birth up to the age of five. He is the one being mixed up in the mixing bowl. These books will talk about cookies and babies, all with an air of magic. It is meant to be humorous, funny, magical and emotional, and it may make you laugh and cry, all at the same time. These books will take an exciting turn when Wyatt is three, as he gets introduced to someone very special, who changes his life forever. The main characters in these books are my one and only dearest son, his fiancé and their children. I write these books from the bottom of my heart, with so much love. You will find that Wyatt is quite the character, a sensitive, fun-loving, and delightful little boy. His journey into the world, has been the best thing that ever happened to me. I write this story with so much love, pride, and admiration for him. Love You Wyatt Always and Forever. Grammy This is the first of many books to come, where this book leaves off another one will start.

Shannon C. Wilson photo

I grew up in a northern town of Prince George BC in a large family went to public school until grade 6, then home schooled, Got my GED many years later, I continued on with school, became a care aide then later to become a Registered Psychiatric Nurse. I have always thought about writing books of some sort or another, Not until after my second grandchild was born, and my mother passed away did I decide to start writing children's book. I do have two unfinished books that I started as a teenager, maybe some day I will finish them.


Shannon C. Wilson
Terryalee Hubley

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