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Restless Secrets cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-0361-0
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Thriller,
    • family saga,
    • action,
    • adventure,
    • fiction,
    • novellas,
    • mystery

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Restless Secrets
by Dorae Shae

This powerful collection of three novellas follows the lives of compelling and diverse women who all face the challenges of self-discovery and overcoming hardship. From early 1900s farm life in Poland to wine country in British Columbia to the coal-mining towns of West Virginia, Restless Secrets takes you on three very different journeys that are all woven together with a common thread: the resilience of women in the face of adversity that threatens to destroy their lives and the lives of their loved ones. “The Angry Land” tells the story of Elena, who is forced into an arranged marriage with a poor crop share tenant’s son who shares her dream of one day leaving the Old Country to escape their life of poverty. In “Evangeline,” Angeline not only conceals that she’s pregnant on her wedding day, but that the baby she is carrying is her husband’s brother’s; a secret she is determined to keep so it doesn’t destroy the ones she cares about the most. In “Violet Eyes,” Amethyst Reynolds discovers she was adopted when she receives a letter informing her that her birth mother has left her a sizable inheritance. When she goes back to West Virginia to prove this was all a mistake, she learns the truth about her tangled past— and discovers her life could be in danger.

"Restless Secrets seamlessly weaves together three novellas about the lives of very different yet all very tough and durable women." - Foreword Clarion Review

Dorae Shae photo

Dorae Shae has always had an active imagination that seemed to find its way to pencil and page. A retired real-estate agent, she lived and worked on farms for over thirty years and lives with her husband of forty-four years in Leduc, Alberta. Although writing always took second seat to her rural life and career, she is excited to have the time to write full-time and bring more stories to life. While no specific experiences contributed solely to this book of novellas, her life history combined to bring the challenges and drama of real life into the world of fiction.


Dorae Shae

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