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For the Love of God cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-0079-4
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Poetry collection,
    • religious poetry,
    • rhyming poetry,
    • faith-based poems,
    • inspirational poetry,
    • devotional poetry,
    • personal poetry

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For the Love of God
"You are all Life's meant to be, A flicker of hope In a desolate sea"
by Jane Thompson (Sri Devi)

Inside these lyrical poems and stories you’ll discover a truth-seeker, a lover of God, a disciple of Christ, and a devotee of the revered spiritual teacher, Paramahansa Yogananda. Whatever your religious beliefs, you’ll find For the Love of God rich in personal experiences, full of compelling sincerity, delightful wit, and endearing devotion. The author takes us on her personal journey through some of her deepest joys and sorrows, her trials and triumphs, her passionate love of and surrender to God and guru, and her enduring faith in Christ’s promise of a better tomorrow through alignment with Divine will. In a genuinely captivating and illuminating poetic fashion, For the Love of God touches on all four goals of humanity: pursuit of ethical/moral life, pursuit of wealth/means of life, pursuit of love/emotional fulfillment, and pursuit of self-knowledge/self-liberation. You’ll find the windows of your mind and spirit opening to a deeper faith, encouraging you to be yourself, and spurring you on to a more intimate relationship with the Divine. It is a book that can be called truly “inspired.”

Jane Thompson (Sri Devi) photo

About Jane Thompson (Sri Devi) Jane Thompson is an avid yoga and meditation teacher, reflexologist, numerologist, volunteer supporting women’s rights against violence, mental health advocate, hospice worker, and world traveler. Jane was born to travel. After a cross-Canada/U.S. tour in her early teens, and several European vacations as a teenager, Jane’s passion for life, her inquisitive mind, and her courageous spirit led her on a two-year, round-the-world adventure at the age of 20. During her eight-year marriage, she and her husband toured Canada, Australia, and the Caribbean. A yoga enthusiast from her early thirties, Jane realized a long held dream when she explored India—the Motherland of religion and yoga—during a three-month spiritual pilgrimage more recently. Jane attributes her travels, a difficult upbringing, and a turbulent marriage, to her spiritual thirst for the deeper meaning of life. Having overcome a mental illness herself, Jane has developed an innate understanding of the effects of trauma on the human psyche; this healing journey has enabled her to transcend the powers of darkness with the grace so befitting of her birth name, Jane (meaning God’s grace). When Jane studied World Religions at Concordia University in Montreal in the early eighties, she marveled at truths found in the Hindu scriptures, and their parallels with her own Christian faith. She then discovered the teachings of her beloved guru, Paramahansa Yogananda, and awakened to the transcendent truth that lies at the heart of life’s mysteries. At 36, upon completing yoga teacher training at the Sivananda Ashram in Val Morin, Quebec, Swami Vishnudevananda conferred on her the spiritual title, Sri Devi. Twelve years later, at the age of 48, she embarked in earnest on the Kriya Yoga path as taught by Yoganada. Sri Devi believes that time, forgiveness, unconditional love, faith, prayer, and meditation are our healers—forever leading us toward the eternal goal of Self-realization. In her eyes, times of joy, sorrow, failure, success, work, rest, birth, and death are all fundamental components of the law of relativity that comprise our spiritual struggle to evolve, to improve, to transform, and ultimately, to seek and to know one’s Maker. She is convinced that when we love God, and when we are in tune with His will, the dreams that we dare to dream really do come true. In this anthology of lyrical poems, Sri Devi urges us to attune to Divine Will and to its subsequent blessings. Sri Devi is a proud, devoted mother and grandmother to her two grown children and grandson. Born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and raised in Montreal, Quebec, she is a nature lover at heart, and feels blessed by the natural beauty and peaceful surroundings of her home in Port Alberni, British Columbia, on the West Coast of Canada.


Jane Thompson (Sri Devi)

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