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Honor Dishonored cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-5255-3214-6
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Paperback Edition
    • 978-1-5255-3213-9
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 306 pages
  • Hardcover Edition
    • 978-1-5255-3212-2
    • 6.0 x 9.0 inches
    • Black & White interior
    • 306 pages
  • Keywords
    • Vietnam,
    • Brotherhood of soldiers,
    • War stories,
    • Platoon leader’s stories,
    • Treatment of Vietnam Vets,
    • Surviving Vietnam,
    • Courage on the battlefield

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Honor Dishonored
by Don Garrett

Honor Dishonored is the true story of a platoon of young American Marines, serving honorably in a war that unfairly became synonymous with brutality and dishonor. While returning veterans of other military engagements were touted as heroes and welcomed home with open arms, men returning from Vietnam were spit upon, cursed, and accused of countless atrocities. Emotionally and physically scared by their tours of duty, surviving in the worst possible conditions and against impossible odds, these men (mostly barely out of their teens) were treated as pariahs upon their return home-home to the country that had sent them overseas in the first place, often against their will. War is savage by nature, and while there are exceptions to every rule, the men who fought in Vietnam were brave, noble, and self-sacrificing. However, the warrior, the fighting men on the “front lines,” were under-supported by the military machine. We've all seen the movies, heard the horror stories, and debated whether or not the American Military should or should not have been over there in the first place. But what we haven't been able to see-to understand- is what it was really like over there, without the glorification (and gore-ification) of Hollywood or the rampant propaganda that came from both sides of the debate. Told that they should be ashamed of their participation, those who were lucky enough to survive to tell the tale quickly realized that no one wanted to listen. But maybe the time has come. This is their story.

Don Garrett photo

Don Garrett served in the United States Marine Corps, retiring with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Having as a platoon commander in Vietnam gives him a unique perspective from which to set the record straight regarding the brave Marines with whom he served with, and the hardships they endured together, overseas and home. He hopes by giving a voice to those brave patriots, who are, often unable, to relive their own experiences and stories, now have an opportunity to have their contributions and sacrifices to be appreciated. Don’s duties while serving in the Marine Corps, included serving three times as an infantry company commander, two electronic companies, Inspector & Instructor, NROTC duty, guarded President Nixon. His last duty station was with the 5th Marine Amphibious Brigade as the Executive Director of Logistics and then MAB Strategic Planner.


Don Garrett
Members of 1st Platoon, Hotel Company, 2ndBn, 7th Marines

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