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Life After Death cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-9736-0
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Spiritual,
    • Christian,
    • Fatal illness,
    • Life after Death,
    • Heaven,
    • Romance,
    • Supernatural

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Life After Death
An Autobiography
by Adam J Pitkanen

Adam Jason has long suffered with heart disease, and now, while only in his forties, he’s finally slipping away, forced to say a premature good-bye to his beloved wife and son and the parents who have always supported him. But that’s when things get strange. What happens next will challenge Adam’s faith, shake his perception of the meaning of love, and forever alter his point of view. Adam Jason gets born again…but not in a way he could ever have imagined. With unexpected twists and turns, a healthy dose of humor, and a deep emotional resonance, Life After Death offers a unique and imaginative perspective on life, which will echo with the reader long after its last page is turned.

During the summer Adam was 16, he caught a virus which lodged in his heart muscle and injured his heart permanently. He eventually required a heart transplant and finally had one at the age of 26. During the heart transplant operation, the surgeon said he had never seen such a sick heart (almost the size of a soccer ball) come out of a living human being. Later he also said he had never seen such a perfect heart go in as a replacement. Adam weaves a story from what he lived and what he imagined. He passed away, due to heart failure at the age of 31. His book was published posthumously by his father.


Adam J Pitkanen

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