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The Quest of the Thought Travellers cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-9891-6
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Prophesy,
    • Time travel,
    • Magic,
    • Child protagonists,
    • Merlin,
    • Witch,
    • Knight

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The Quest of the Thought Travellers
by S.E. Stewart

The Quest of the Thought Travellers What would you do if you met a really strange boy who said you had a magical gift? Would you believe him? And what if he said he desperately needed your help to solve a mystery? Would you have the daring and courage to journey with him into different and dangerous worlds? Could you stand your ground when faced with a fire-breathing dragon? Would your sense of humour help you not lose your mind? It happened to Mackenzie, Tom and Rory, three children on a quest, having hilarious battles of wit and using magic powers to challenge a dragon, a witch, and a black hearted knight and many other enchanted creatures. Will the children overcome sorceries, fire and floods? Travel with them and find out!

Sarah Stewart is a teacher and writer with an interest in magical journeys either on flying carpets or through secret doors. She has a fun sense of humour and hopes that when you are not on the edge of your seat with fright you are also laughing your head off at the crazy adventures to be had when you go thought travelling.


S.E. Stewart

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