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One Day at a Time cover

  • eBook Edition
    • 978-1-4602-9460-4
    • epub, mobi, pdf files
  • Keywords
    • Autobiography,
    • Cancer,
    • Leukemia,
    • Stem cell transplant,
    • Graft Versus Host Disease,
    • Family and faith,
    • Personal empowerment

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One Day at a Time
My journey through leukemia and a stem cell transplant
by Marge Johnson

Marge was initially surprised when diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. However, her continued healthy wellbeing allowed Marge to put the news behind her and carry on with her everyday life. But then, five years later, her illness suddenly took a turn for the worse. A much sooner than expected stem cell transplant was scheduled in the fall, taking her more than 200 miles away from home. Fortunately, her post-transplant recovery went amazingly well and she was home before Christmas! I guess she was one of those few fortunate patients that sailed through it! Or was she? Three months later, the dreaded Graft Versus Host Disease, (GVHD), attacked her body with a vengeance! Air ambulance flew her back to Vancouver for a roller coaster of continuous life-threatening hardships. Was all the medication that was wreaking havoc on her body worth keeping her alive? Would she ever get out of the hospital and return home to a life worth living? Find out and be inspired, as Marge tells her heartwarming story; sharing her battles openly and honestly as she fights to overcome GVHD.

Marge Johnson, wife and mother of four, currently resides in Penticton, British Columbia, Canada. She graduated with a degree in Education before marrying her husband Al. Outside of her busy house hold she took on various part-time career opportunities which included elementary school teaching and owner-operated businesses with her husband. As she continues to recover from her illness, Marge enjoys spending time with her adult children, cooking and baking, and going for walks or coffee with friends and husband.


Marge Johnson

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